Tuesday, September 2, 2008

End of "open closed beta"

Well, Closed beta has come to an end. My Finaly observations for my time spent there. Peronally I don't enjoy the Open PvP but I can see it being enjoyable for people that do like that system. Controled access to world chat is a good idea, and its implemented fairly well. First you have to be level 5 (easy part) second you need a "World trumpet" thats consumed each time you send a message in world chat, Key is the trumpets are cash shop items so you eather have to buy them directly OR from other players. The marrage system is cute, when you get married there is a system announcment and then you from that point on have "person's Wife" Or "person's Husband" over you name, sadly same sex marrages are not an option in game.

Next on the slate: I'm currently testing Google Chrome http://www.google.com/chrome First impressions Minimalistic seems to use less resources than FireFox.  down side no "typical" interface IE no tool menu ect. Lots of potential, but potential just means its not happened yet.